What's this site? | ナニココ?
The logs of Sida Takuma's artworks, scrawls, etc.
Please read about copyrights.
Who's Sida? | ダレ?
A Japanese, was born and lives in Yokohama, Japan. Born in 1975.
Uses Japanese mainly, and, not good at English and do not understand any other languages at all.
about the contents | ナカミ
- scrawl
- Small images, sketchs, etc.
小さめの絵とかラフスケッチとか。 - artworks
- My artworks. click an image to see larger one.
イラストです。クリックすると更に大きいのが出てきたり。 - photos
- Photographs I take.
copyrghts | チョサクケン
© Sida Takuma (except [fan-art] category)
Please don't copy any contents of this site; images and photographs (except a banner for link) in order to use on the other site on the internet without my permission. Of course, you are able to download anything in this site to your local disk (and I welcome that), but I just hope your good sence.
Want my permission? Really? Then, mail me. I understand Japanese and easy English.
And, to link this site, I welcome, please feel free. You do not need any permission. If you would like, please use this banner below.